43 Days of Vog and Counting


43 Days of Vog and Counting


I have written about Vog before–it’s an acronym for Volcanic Organic Gas, and it’s sulfur, so it’s a poison. It is also a particulate which lodges in the lungs. This gas escapes from the volcano on the Big Island, and when our trade winds are working the way they’re supposed to, they keep that nasty stuff over on the Big Island.

Lately, though, the winds have died more often than they’ve blown (climate change?) and we have major Vog here on Maui. 43 days with nary a let-up, but who’s counting? Just because I don’t go outside except to go to the grocery store, and I live in Paradise? I have asthma, and I can’t breathe from it, but it’s more than that. Being a poisonous gas, it causes a variety of problems such as burning, itchy eyes; sore throat, concentration problems, and achiness like the flu. 

Above is a photo of the valley with Vog, and under it a  photo of the valley with no Vog. It’s difficult to photograph because, well, it’s a gas. The most telling feature of this photo is the direction the smoke is blowing from the smokestacks at the Puunene sugar mill. If the smoke were blowing to the left, the winds would be coming from the east. But they are blowing “backwards,” from the south. We call this Kona winds, and they didn’t use to be that big a deal, it blew that way for just a month or two in the wintertime. In fact, winter was known as Kona season.

However, it is no longer “winter” here, it is past Easter, and I am quite distressed. This has been going on for a few years now, ever since a new vent opened in the volcano. The shelf (rim) of the volcano has been a collapsing at the rate of the size of a Volkswagen bus per day. When the shelf hits bottom it goes “pooff” and out comes the gas. Oh, joy.

43 days of being cooped up in the house, and I live  in Paradise. But who’s counting?

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Aloha, Jamaica


4 thoughts on “43 Days of Vog and Counting

  1. Hi Jamaica,
    Did you already have asthma when you moved to Maui, or did it develop after you moved there? If it came on after the move, do you think it was caused by the VOG and/or cane field burnings?

    • As I replied to Shauna, I did not have asthma before I moved to Maui. I do believe it’s been aggravated by both the cane-smoke and the VOG (volcanic organic gas). If it’s not voggy, they’re burning cane, and vice versa.

  2. Did you hear about the person that moved off Maui because of his asthma and could not work here anymore and filed a workers comp claim and the judge. Awarded him the claim , iam so sorry you are having to go through this .

    • Aloha George,
      No, I hadn’t heard of the situation, or that the judge ruled in the Plaintiff’s favor. That’s very interesting to know.

      Thank you so much for reading along and commenting!

      Aloha, Jamaica

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