Real Estate is Hot Again


Real estate is on fire in California… I share this with you because the common wisdom is that Hawaii follows California. So if you’re thinking of moving to Hawaii, the time is now.

Yes, I’ve said this before. However, that was before I became personally embroiled in California real estate, and now I see it in the big picture. Home prices in the Bay Area have hit a milestone: median prices for all types of housing topped $500,000 for the first time in five years.

I am the executor of my mother’s estate, which means I needed to sell her house in the Bay Area. It went on the market, had open houses for two weekends, and got 18 offers. 18 offers, people! Almost all of them were well over asking price. I was floored. Then of course, I had to weed through the 18 offers, and ended up countering five of them. It was a very difficult decision to make the final choice, especially knowing that there are many young families out there who are desperate to buy a home while interest rates are historically low.

I have a friend in California who has been actively trying to buy a condo. One of the units she placed an offer on got 28 offers. She was very discouraged, but after five months of looking and putting in offers, she prevailed. The secret in this market is to be extremely patient. Also, to be excited about a house, but not crushed if you don’t get it. Easier said than done.

The reason for the on-fire real estate market in the Bay Area is that housing prices have risen to where underwater homes can finally sell at a profit. And yet, people are still leery of the market, and many are holding back to see where the prices will land. This has created a seller’s market, and a huge demand for very few houses. “I’ve been in real estate for 32 years and this is the lowest inventory we have ever had,” said Caroline Miller, president of the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors.”We’ve had multiple-offer markets before, but it’s just incredible. There are anywhere from three offers up to 20 or 30 offers, it’s just been crazy.”

As I said, Hawaii follows California. Are you planning to move to Hawaii? Do you hope to buy a house? Then hurry, please.

What is the housing market like in your area? Please share your stories.

A hui ho! If you’d like to subscribe to this blog, please click the “follow” button on the homepage.

Aloha, Jamaica

Scene and Heard

Here are some tidbits from around the island:

Standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, the cashier took some money out of the till to give change, and I heard her say “We’re going to let dat one dry out… dat’s money from da beach.” Like soaking wet money is a regular occurance for her.

And a bumper sticker: “God is Hawaiian.” I’m glad they cleared that up.

Sitting in the chair at the salon getting my hair cut, a 20-something in the next chair who had recently moved to Maui was complaining about the First Friday street celebration in Paia: “The First Friday celebration on Oahu goes till 2 am.”
His hair stylist said,” Nothing stays open till 2 AM on Maui.”
The new guy quipped, “Yeah, but I at least expected it to go later than 9 PM!”

These things were all heard right before I left Maui to come to California to sell my Mom’s house. Soon I will post about real estate, on Maui and otherwise.

A hui hou! Thanks for stopping by.
Aloha, Jamaica

Tip for the Day

I have again been MIA….I had to have surgery on my eyelid (yes, every bit as painful as it sounds) and as soon as all the letters aren’t running together on the page, I will post.

I do have a tip for the day, though. You know how whenever you buy berries and bring them home from the store looking all perfect, they grow fuzz within 24 hours? Well, this has worked beautifully: put the berries, unwashed, in a cardboard box lined with a paper towel. (I put a cover on mine…it was like a small gift box or shirt box.) I put them in the fridge in this box on Monday, and today is Saturday and the berries are still perfect! Who knew?

Apparently, strawberries used to always come in cardboard boxes in the old days. They probably started using plastic because it was probably cheaper. But the old ways can be the best.

Next I plan to try this with raspberries. Imagine, no berries lost to fuzz…I feel emboldened, like I can conquer the world now.

Oh, wait…I’ll be off soaking my eye with hot compresses.

I hope you’re having a good day… Will be back soon.

Aloha, Jamaica