Hawaiian Pidgin 101


Here is a little primer for you the next time you are standing in line at Longs drugstore in Hawaii, listening to pidgin fly between the cashier and a customer. (Did you know that all the Longs stores changed their name to CVS except in Hawaii? It was such a long-standing institution here, they must have figured there would be a revolt. I’m a bit surprised that Walgreens dipped their toe in the water here, because the locals are so loyal to Longs drugs.)

So here’s your primer:


Aloha, and happy shopping!


How for speak Pidgin


As I get settled back into the way of life on Maui after being gone for so long, I thought I would share with you one of the major differences between the mainland and here. It’s a funny and very true depiction of speaking pidgin.

If you’re trying to keep up while watching it, think, that’s how it would be if you lived in Hawaii!


Aloha, Jamaica